Weekly Update 1/9/22-1/15/22

Housing Justice Priority Campaign Announcement Have issues with your landlord? Living with cockroaches or repairs that never get done? Is management raising the rent? The Housing Justice Working Group is organizing tenants in San Diego! Come to our next meeting on February 13th, or reach out to get involved! Reach out to dsa.sd.housingjusticewg@gmail.com Newsletter Survey Psst. Hey you. Are you reading this? Do you read the weekly update? If so,… Read More

CalCare Car Caravan

AB 1400 or CalCare is California's single payer bill. It would create a single tax-funded health insurer that covers all Californians for all types of care without out-of-pocket costs. Supporters of AB 1400 are organizing a day of action in Sacramento and across the state on January 8th. In San Diego we will be holding a car caravan of supporters (staying in our cars limits the risk of spreading COVID).… Read More

HGO Investigation Conclusion

In October, San Diego Harassment Grievance Officers (HGOs) were notified by the Sacramento HGO of a potential harassment grievance against Ricky Marin, under Resolution 33. Three separate individuals eventually filed grievances against Ricky Marin. with the San Diego HGOs alleging verbal and physical abusive behavior, inappropriate sexualized comments, emotional manipulation, dishonesty, and intimidation. Due to strict confidentiality commitments made to the reporting parties and Ricky Marin, further details of the… Read More

Weekly Update

Stand with fast food workers on strike - 11/9 Show up to to stand with fast food workers on strike next Tuesday, November 9 from 10 am to noon. California fast-food workers are going on strike on November 9 - one of over 300 strikes for safety and justice on the job since the pandemic began. DSA San Diego is supporting Fight for 15 and workers across the state who… Read More

Weekly Update and Election Results

Fourth quarter chapter general meeting - voting results We endorsed the Housing Justice Working Group's Major Campaign proposal - 96% yes, 4% no. We approved the Housing Justice Working Group's quarterly budget - 92% yes, 8% no. During the meeting, members of the Metro Branch moved for Jacob V. to be selected Metro Branch Chair / Chapter Co-Chair by acclamation, as Jacob was the only member who submitted a self-nomination… Read More

Weekly Update and Election Update

Hello Comrades! Quarterly Membership Meeting and Endorsements VoteIt's the most exciting time of the year! It's time for our Quarterly Member Meeting and Endorsements. This is when we get to put democracy into action, and actually decide whether to marshal the chapter's time and resources to strategically win Socialism. You can register for this meeting here. Remember, only members who are up-to-date with their dues as of the 24th of… Read More

NCSD Movie Night and Potluck

Unplug, recharge, and fight fascism with a screening of "The Trial of the Chicago 7." (TW/Rated R: Explicit language, Some violence, Bloody images, Drug use) Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021 Vista, CA (Chill 4:00pm; Screening 6pmish-9:00pm PST) Take a breather and watch a movie in your neighbors’ backyard. Kickback with folx who share your progressive values. Bring blankets, chairs, and snacks to share, if you're able. If you're feeling ill, we… Read More

San Diego needs a Green New Deal for Public Schools

Public schools across the nation have suffered from decades of disinvestment, redlining and cycles of poverty and trauma. The Green New Deal for Public Schools Act is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to meet the moment and prioritize our students. Every student, regardless of background, should be able to enjoy clean air and learn in a safe school environment, free from mold or broken windows. The Democratic Socialists of America launched our… Read More

HGO Member Accountability Case Ends

In January a process was created to deal with a case of harassment and manipulative behavior from former Co-chair Nate R.  Nate was a member of DSA SD (co-chair until October 2020) and a member of the Revolutionary Marxist Caucus (RMC) within DSA SD.  The subject of his harassment (hereafter called the ORP, short for “original reporting person”) confronted Nate about his actions and shortly after he resigned from DSA.… Read More

To San Diego City Council re: 5/25 Franchise Agreement Vote

Sent by email to each member 5/23 To the president, president pro tem, and members of the San Diego City Council, On Tuesday, May 25, you will cast your votes on the proposed energy and gas franchise agreements with SDG&E, shepherded by Mayor Todd Gloria. As we have requested in communications across multiple media and as you’ve heard from hundreds of our members, the Democratic Socialists of America San Diego… Read More