HGO Investigation Conclusion

In October, San Diego Harassment Grievance Officers (HGOs) were notified by the Sacramento HGO of a potential harassment grievance against Ricky Marin, under Resolution 33. Three separate individuals eventually filed grievances against Ricky Marin. with the San Diego HGOs alleging verbal and physical abusive behavior, inappropriate sexualized comments, emotional manipulation, dishonesty, and intimidation. Due to strict confidentiality commitments made to the reporting parties and Ricky Marin, further details of the… Read More

HGO Member Accountability Case Ends

In January a process was created to deal with a case of harassment and manipulative behavior from former Co-chair Nate R.  Nate was a member of DSA SD (co-chair until October 2020) and a member of the Revolutionary Marxist Caucus (RMC) within DSA SD.  The subject of his harassment (hereafter called the ORP, short for “original reporting person”) confronted Nate about his actions and shortly after he resigned from DSA.… Read More

Statement on Mediation with San Diego Tenants Union

It's important to note the documents/social media in question are run by an independent group, some not even affiliated with our chapter. We have no authority to remove the Instagram or any other document not released on official DSA channels.- - - - In recent days, the leadership of the Democratic Socialists of America-San Diego (DSA-SD) has been informed of allegations of online harassment between members of our organization and… Read More

Harassment Grievance Officers – Call for Candidates

In order to promote the safety of our community and perform the hard work of unwinding colonization and patriarchy, DSA San Diego appoints two harassment grievance officers (HGOs) each year. This year, we also ask that our HGOs act to distinguish and advise on the resolution of intramember conflicts unrelated to identity. If you are a member in good standing and willing to serve in this essential role, please email… Read More

Steering Committee Statement on Abuse Incidents

Due to the sensitive nature of this incident, We, the Steering Committee, felt it important to release a statement to our membership, for transparency, and accountability. We would like to alert those reading this document, and those linked therein, that they contain mentions of assault and abuse. We would also like to remind our membership that our Harassment Grievance Officers (HGOs) are available, should you need them; you may email them at… Read More

HGO appointment meeting

DSA San Diego chapter members in good standing are encouraged to participate in a special meeting convened by the Socialist Feminist Working Group on Thursday, May 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brown Building (4133 Poplar Street). The meeting’s focus will be appointment of two Harassment Grievance Officers, key positions required by DSA national and defined by our imminent DSA San Diego Grievance Procedure. Deciding votes will be cast by… Read More

Seeking Harassment Grievance Officers

DSA San Diego is seeking two members in good standing to serve one-year terms as Harassment Grievance Officers (HGOs). HGOs will take responsibility for facilitating grievances filed by DSA San Diego members related to all forms of identity-based oppression perpetrated by fellow members, a process crafted with the intent of preserving our chapter as a safe, fair space modeling the world we’re trying to build through socialism. Further, HGOs will… Read More