NCSD Movie Night and Potluck

Unplug, recharge, and fight fascism with a screening of "The Trial of the Chicago 7." (TW/Rated R: Explicit language, Some violence, Bloody images, Drug use) Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021 Vista, CA (Chill 4:00pm; Screening 6pmish-9:00pm PST) Take a breather and watch a movie in your neighbors’ backyard. Kickback with folx who share your progressive values. Bring blankets, chairs, and snacks to share, if you're able. If you're feeling ill, we strongly recommend please staying home.… Read More

HGO Member Accountability Case Ends

In January a process was created to deal with a case of harassment and manipulative behavior from former Co-chair Nate R.  Nate was a member of DSA SD (co-chair until October 2020) and a member of the Revolutionary Marxist Caucus (RMC) within DSA SD.  The subject of his harassment (hereafter called the ORP, short for “original reporting person”) confronted Nate about his actions and shortly after he resigned from DSA. Soon after this, his actions… Read More

Pass the PRO Act campaign launch!

Join us Sunday, March 7th at 2 pm PST to kick off DSA's "Pass the PRO Act" campaign, along with Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything, Jamaal Bowman, squad member and US Rep for NY-16, and Sara Nelson, president of AFA-CWA, and other special guests. RSVP: The "Protecting the Right to Organize" (PRO) Act  reverses decades of corporate assaults on our labor rights, like so-called "right to work" laws, clearing the way to an expanded… Read More

Call in for Public Power: Thursday, Dec 17, 10 am

This Thursday, December 17 at 10 am newly elected Council President Jennifer Campbell has called a special meeting to open the electricity and gas franchise agreement bids that her predecessor refused to docket due to a deeply flawed process. We encourage all members and supporters of our public power fight to please call in to offer your public comment. Phone in TestimonyAfter the meeting begins at 10 am, when the Clerk introduces either the item you… Read More

December 12: Demand Scott Peters Fight for Our Lives

On Saturday, December 12, DSA San Diego will join more than 20 DSA chapters in a Fight for Our Lives coordinated action to 1) highlight establishment Democrats' failure to support the working class and 2) advance our real solutions that have broad popular support. We’re fighting for a COVID-19 and economic recovery response that centers the working class and can serve as a launchpad for the decade of the Green New Deal. Establishment Democrats, like… Read More

Our statement on the election

The 2020 election is nearly over. We don’t yet know what the outcome will be in terms of which candidates will win or lose. Nor do we know if Donald Trump will accept a likely defeat or if there will be political violence if he loses. We do know that the election is supposed to mark a conclusion. An unalterable decision has been made which the American people must accept as an objective fact.  Indeed,… Read More

Call for public comment in opposition to anti-Prop 15 resolution

All hands on deck for a Prop. 15 call for comments! On Tuesday, Sept. 15th, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors (BOS) will be considering a resolution in opposition to Prop 15. This will be a tough vote but we want to make sure supervisors understand what’s at stake: protecting a corporate tax loophole that benefits a handful of wealthy corporations at the expense of our schools and communities, or investing in our children, our families,… Read More

Special Meeting on Candidate Endorsement

On August 29th at 6:00 pm DSA San Diego will hold a special meeting on giving a Chapter endorsement to two of our members who are running for local offices in North County: Matt Corrales is running for the Vallecitos Water Board, and Terry Corrales is running for the Palomar Health Board. Show your support for socialists on the ballot by coming to the meeting! The meeting will be held on Zoom, and the sign-up… Read More

May 1st “Cancel The Rent” Caravan

Location: 4655 Border Village Rd, San Ysidro, CA 92173-3105, United States Start Date & Time:  May 1, 2020,  9:30am End Date & Time:  May 1, 2020, 2pm DSA San Diego, in coalition with ACCE, The San Diego Tenants Union, Anakbayan, & Migrante. Will be executing a caravan demonstration in order to bring awareness to the rent strike movement happening all throughout the state of California. The Rent Strike is being made in order to get… Read More

Housing is Healthcare: San Diego Emergency Demands

Emailed 4/16 to Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City Attorney Mara Elliott, Councilmember Barbara Bry, Councilmember Jennifer Campbell, Councilmember Christopher Ward, Councilmember Monica Montgomery, Councilmember Mark Kersey, Councilmember Chris Cate, Councilmember Scott Sherman, Councilmember Vivian Moreno, Council President Georgette Gomez, Supervisor Greg Cox, Supervisor Dianne Jacob, Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Supervisor Jim Desmond Endorsing organizations: Democratic Socialists of America - San DiegoOtay Mesa Detention ResistanceSan Diego 350San Diego Tenants UnitedStanding Up for… Read More