Our members are building progressive movements for social change in San Diego while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in our communities and politics.

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Rally & Potluck for UAW Student Workers

Post-Arraignment BBQ July 10, 2023

Join us on Monday, July 10, for a BBQ/potluck to show our support and appreciation for our student workers. We will gather following the conclusion of the arraignment hearings for the UCSD student workers who were recently arrested and charged for exercising their First Amendment rights and engaging in legal union activities. Click here to RSVP for the potluck. If you are available, please join us at noon to support… Read More

Drop the Charges, UCSD!

UCSD Free Speech Rally July 10, 2023

This weekend, three academic workers and UAW 2865 members at the University of California San Diego were arrested in retaliation for union activity. The University has continued to repress union members, notably bringing code of conduct violations against 67 workers last month, as it refuses to adhere to the contract these workers won in a strike last year. Click here to sign the UAW petition to the University of California.… Read More

Join DSA San Diego & UPS Teamsters at the beach!

Join DSA San Diego and UPS Teamsters for a beach social and fundraiser on June 24, 2023.

Hang out with us and the UPS Teamsters at our annual beach social on Saturday, June 24! This year, we will be showing solidarity with UPS Teamsters and their contract fight. From 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm, we will come together with fellow workers and organizers to enjoy food, music, games, and great company at Mission Beach. We will also hear from members of the UPS Teamsters who will speak… Read More

Standing in Solidarity with UPS Teamsters

Every Friday morning for four months, rank-and-file UPS Teamsters have been meeting. They talk about their struggles and why their demands are necessary. Their struggle is ours. We as workers must stand with them in their fight for a better wages, better conditions, and a better life. If their demands aren't met, they're ready to strike on August 1, and ALL workers will stand with them. This is what democracy… Read More

DSA San Diego launches plot to feed the community

DSA San Diego Garden Workday - May 13, 2023

DSA San Diego members gathered alongside members of the community at the College Area Community Garden on Saturday, May 13, to plant nearly 200 square feet of vegetables for a new cooperative growing program. The group planted peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and more for the autumn harvest. Produce from this planting will be donated to those in need. As a socialist organization, one of DSA’s tenets is rooted in the belief… Read More

2022 General Election Voter Guide

Introduction During this year’s primary, DSA San Diego received numerous requests for a voter guide. As a result, the recently rechartered Electoral Working Group has come together to offer our impressions of these midterm elections. The recommendations listed below are the result of weeks of research and discussion, and we hope that in total they can serve as a guide to the ongoing political dynamics of California and the San… Read More

DSA San Diego Calls on San Diego City Council to Reject Amendments to the Surveillance Ordinance

As a member of the Transparent and Responsible Use of Surveillance Technology (TRUST) Coalition, DSA San Diego members have worked to pass a series of reform ordinances through the San Diego City Council.  After 2 years of diligent work involving community input and legal review, the City Council was cowed by the Police Officers Association to insert amendments which severely weaken this ordinance.  These amendments allow blanket-exemptions in oversight for… Read More

Roe is gone – come together and fight

The Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade, and while abortion currently remains legal in California, this cannot stand. The time to hit the streets is now. Even worse, Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh stated in their concurring decisions that federal protections for same-sex relationships and marriage and contraception may also be subject to reversal. Members of DSA San Diego must mobilize against this violent attack on abortion and reproductive rights, queer… Read More

Tenant Union Organizing in San Diego

In recent years, tenant organizing has emerged as a major terrain of class struggle. Concentration of ownership in the hands of corporate landlords, inflation, and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic have heightened the hardship tenants face across the country. In a housing system where profit matters more than our quality of life, we need a tenant movement to effectively combat the landlord class, secure decent housing for all, and… Read More