Unplug, recharge, and fight fascism with a screening of "The Trial of the Chicago 7." (TW/Rated R: Explicit language, Some violence, Bloody images, Drug use) Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021 Vista, CA (Chill 4:00pm; Screening 6pmish-9:00pm PST) Take a breather and watch a movie in your neighbors’ backyard. Kickback with folx who share your progressive values. Bring blankets, chairs, and snacks to share, if you're able. If you're feeling ill, we… Read More
Tag: Special Events
Pass the PRO Act campaign launch!

Join us Sunday, March 7th at 2 pm PST to kick off DSA's "Pass the PRO Act" campaign, along with Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything, Jamaal Bowman, squad member and US Rep for NY-16, and Sara Nelson, president of AFA-CWA, and other special guests. RSVP: bit.ly/dsaproactlaunch The "Protecting the Right to Organize" (PRO) Act reverses decades of corporate assaults on our labor rights, like so-called "right to work" laws, clearing… Read More
Online Karaoke Fundraiser for Sarah Davis

We can’t meet in person, but we can still have fun! Join your DSA comrades at an online karaoke fundraiser for progressive Assembly candidate Sarah Davis! It's happening Monday October 12th at 6:00 pm. Sign up here.
Medicare for All Resolution Campaign Kick Off
On the one hand, millions of Americans have recently lost their employer-sponsored health insurance. On the other hand, we can't expect a Biden administration to take up Medicare for All. Now is a time to focus on building grassroots support. That's why DSA San Diego is inviting progressive groups from across San Diego to come together and push the San Diego City Council to pass a resolution in favor of… Read More
Tenant’s Town Hall – August 19th @ 6 PM

Come join the “Cancel The Rent” Coalition as we put on a Tenants Town Hall in order to educate, mobilize, & inspire the working class in San Diego against the inhumane actions of many landlords & apathetic politicians!!! We will have information on the current eviction moratoriums & your rights as a tenant. We will also have guest speakers and testimonials on the current struggle many tenants are facing in… Read More
Public Banking in San Diego – 10/22 at UNITE HERE
Please join DSA San Diego for an illuminating discussion on public banking, led by renowned public banking expert Ellen Brown. With the passage of AB857 into law, California municipalities can now do their own banking, free from the shareholder pressures driving Wall Street and global finance. Learn more about what this might mean for city services, public projects, and our opportunities to leverage greater democratic influence on our hometown institutions.… Read More
Medicare for All with Tim Faust July 5
DSA San Diego is thrilled to welcome Tim Faust, nationally recognized health care advocate, to preside over a Medicare for All Town Hall on Thursday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. You might have heard Tim during DSA's national Medicare for All webcasts, on Chapo Trap House, or his Heavy Medical Podcast. (We promise only ergonomically sound headbanging this occasion.) Join us at the Unite Here union hall, 2436 Market Street… Read More
YDSA Conference
Hello Comrades, The Young Democratic Socialists of America (the youth wing of DSA) will be hosting their annual winter conference on February 16th to 18th in Washington D.C.! Join other young socialists and students who are building one of the largest mass movements in resistance to the Trump administration. The workshops are designed to share information about how to bring the socialist movement to our communities and schools. They will cover a variety of topics from the Medicare… Read More