Migrant Rights Priority Campaign: Spring 2025 Update

At 7:45 a.m. this past Wednesday, Genaro C., an undocumented parent in City Heights, was taking his children to school when masked, armed men approached his vehicle. Eyewitnesses say that the ICE agents then forcefully removed Genero from the car in front of his 5-year-old and 11-year-old, cuffed his hands painfully, and shuttled him into an ICE vehicle. According to NBC San Diego 7, Genaro has no criminal history, and… Read More

DSA San Diego Immigration Working Group Statement Urging Senator Sanders to Adopt Human-Rights Focused Immigration Policy and Uplift Border Community Voices

DSA San Diego Immigration Working Group Statement Urging Senator Sanders to Adopt Human-Rights Focused Immigration Policy and Uplift Border Community Voices We, the Immigration Working Group of the San Diego chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), are dismayed by the DSA National-endorsed Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, and his continued capitulation to the right-wing of American politics with  backwards statements on immigration and immigration policy. First, Bernie Sanders… Read More

2019 Major Campaigns

At our March annual chapter convention, the chapter voted unanimously to support our first two major campaigns brought forward by the Immigration Working Group and the Ecosocialism Working Group. These campaigns offer several fantastic opportunities for our chapter’s members to help build our chapter’s capacity, expand local and international solidarity relationships, and grow as organizers. Growing a Revolution - Community Garden/Education The community garden plot hatched by the Ecosocialist WG… Read More

International Day of Action – events January 11 and January 12

Join DSA San Diego and the San Diego Migrant and Refugee Solidarity Coalition as we call for justice at events on January 11 and January 12. On November 25, 2018, our previous international day of action, the Trump administration earned worldwide infamy by viciously attacking those seeking asylum with tear gas and rubber bullets - an assault repeated in the dawn of this new year - the earliest hours of… Read More

Supporting Migrants and Refugees

At our November 18 chapter meeting, DSA San Diego endorsed our participation in a robust coalition of San Diego grassroots organizations who are united in our solidarity with members of the Central American Exodus. (Text of the original resolution here.) Since inception, the San Diego Coalition for Migrant and Refugee Solidarity has organized a high-profile international day of action and strengthened the ongoing humanitarian relief effort in Tijuana. Thousands of… Read More

Families Belong Together Protest June 23

Join other San Diego DSAers this Saturday June 23, 10am at the Civic Center to protest the unspeakably cruel and inhuman persecution of refugees seeking asylum in the U.S. San Diego Civic Center• 202 C St., San Diego, CA 92101 Stand up with us to demand better treatment for immigrant children and their families. Endorsed by San Diego ACLU, who will be speaking, as well as the California Teachers Association, local… Read More