DSA San Diego members gathered alongside members of the community at the College Area Community Garden on Saturday, May 13, to plant nearly 200 square feet of vegetables for a new cooperative growing program. The group planted peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and more for the autumn harvest. Produce from this planting will be donated to those in need.
As a socialist organization, one of DSA’s tenets is rooted in the belief that access to healthy food is a human right. Socialists advocate for a food system that is decentralized, local, and community-controlled, rather than controlled by large corporations. Community gardens can play a key role in an alternative food system.
The chapter’s Ecosocialism Working Group maintains its own plot in the community garden and participates in a workday once a month to contribute to the upkeep of the garden as a whole. Members are welcome to join the working group to help with ongoing maintenance or simply come out to any workday that is convenient. Visit our calendar to see when the next workday will be held.
Not a member? Join DSA today and work with us to feed our community.